Kacey Chapman (CanSkate Coach)



Every CanSkate session except for Sundays.


Coaching Experience:

I started coaching in 2007 and I have been with the March-Kanata Skating Club for
over 20 years as a skater and coach.



Having been both a skater and a coach at the March Kanata Skating Club, I am incredibly proud of the programs that we offer, the skaters that we support, and the incredible love of skating that we are able to pass on to them each and every session. It is so incredibly important to me to ensure that I am providing the best support and care that I can to each and every skater that is in my care. If I am able to pass on even a small amount of the passion for the sport, confidence, and sense of accomplishment that I have received over my years here onto the skaters I coach, then I will consider myself incredibly fortunate. I love working with skaters at the beginning of their journeys on the ice as it allows me to instill in them the sense of joy, accomplishment, and pride that comes from being able to take your first steps on the ice.

Every CanSkate and Pre-CanSkate lesson are a true gift for me because it is there that I can help the skaters shine, and sometimes this is for the first time. Once they know that they can accomplish their goals no matter how big or small on the ice, and that they will have fun and be supported at the same time, they can accomplish anything they set their minds too. It is a true honour and privilege to be a part of these first steps on the ice, and one that I will always cherish.



    • Skate Canada CanSkate Certified
    • Ottawa Carleton District School Board Teacher
    • Ontario College of Teachers Certification for Kindergarten to Grade 10
    • OCDSB- Special Education Training Part 1
    • OCDSB-Teaching English Language Learners Part 1 and Part 2 Completed
    • OCDSB-Kindergarten Part 1 Completed
    • OCDSB-French as a second language Part 1 Completed
    • Safe Talk and Tattered Teddies Certified
    • Asperger’s Training from Geneva Center for Autism

Professional Highlights:

  • Over twenty years of skating experience (all with March Kanata)
  • Achieved Gold Skating Skills and Gold Artistic
  • Eastern Ontario Program Assistant of the year-2007
  • Tembec Citizenship Award-Nipissing University
  • Chancellor’s Award Winner-Nipissing University


Areas of Specialization:

  • Pre-CanSkate
  • CanSkate
  • SkateAble
  • Development of accommodations and modifications for skaters with special needs.